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Hitting the Curveball.... Optical Illusion?

David Quattro

Hitting a curveball is widely regarded as one of the most challenging feats in all of sports. Some argue that the curveball is nothing more than an optical illusion, but this notion is not entirely accurate. In fact, there is a scientific explanation behind the way that a curveball moves.

Arthur Shapiro, a professor at American University, is an expert in the field of visual perception and cognitive neuroscience. He has created a number of visual phenomena, or "illusions," that help to explain the connections between perception, the brain, and the physical world. One of his illusions, which can be seen in a YouTube video, demonstrates that the trajectory of a moving object can appear to curve even when it is actually moving in a straight line.

For batters, the key to hitting a curveball is adjusting both mechanically and mentally. Most batters time their swings based on the fastball, but elite hitters are able to adjust their approach to handle off-speed pitches. This requires allowing the ball to get back into their central vision and making the necessary adjustments. Mechanically, a batter must shift their weight onto the front side without getting too far onto their toes. This allows the front side to brace against forward momentum and prevent the batter from swinging too soon. By focusing on both the mechanical and mental aspects of hitting the curveball, batters can improve their chances of making solid contact.

It's important to remember that hitting a baseball is a complex task that requires a sequence of precise movements. Coaches should emphasize proper sequencing and encourage their players to stay in sequence throughout the entire swing.

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