The 34th Annual Baseball Ontario's "Best Ever Coaches Clinic" was a huge success. Every year it's a sold out event and continues to grow. The 2019 event consisted of over 1000 coaches, who gathered at the Sheraton Toronto Airport Hotel and Conference Center from January 11 to 13.
Coaches have the opportunity to listen to the theories and philosophies from baseballs best professional, college and university coaches. The BEC also offers (NCCP) National Coaching Certification Program Clinics, and a "Rookie Mosquito" Series, which focuses on the 10u level, hosted by the Ontario Youth Team coaching staff, and a trade show, with all the new products for 2019. The (BEC) Best Ever Coaches Clinic is Ontario’s version of the (ABCA) American Baseball Coaches Association convention. Coaches from across the the Ontario, gather to share ideas and network with other coaches.
Thank you to Baseball Ontario for allowing me to speak at the 2019 Best Ever Coaches Clinic. I’ve been attending for over 8 years and was an honor to be on the same stage as all the greats that have presented in the past. Something I’ll never forget from the 2019 BEC, was when the crowd applauded after watching our 2018 National Championship Highlight video. I didn’t realize the impact that the championship had on Baseball in Ontario and I couldn’t help but think of the players, who will forever be attached to this honor. I also couldn’t help but think of all the people in my life who have guided, inspired and believed in me. Thank you to Blue Jays Academy Instructor John Hashimoto for the “Japanese Handshake Skit” and to Etan Petel, Luca and Gian Marco Carozza for helping out with demonstrations. Special thank you to David Huctwith, Dirk Drieberg, Mary-Ann Smith, Enza Finnie, and the rest of the Baseball Ontario staff for their endless work and dedication. Best Ever Coaches Clinic - www.baseballontario.ca National Coaches Certification Program - www.nccp.baseball.ca Sheraton Toronto Airport Hotel and Conference Centre - www.sheratontorontoairport.com